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Courses / Workshops offered

Phaco / ECCE / SICS Surgery

Short Term Intensive Phaco Course: The short term course allows the trainee to observe and perform about 30 procedures, under the supervision and guidance of the clinic surgeons over a period of 15 - 20 days. While the trainee will observe and perform the procedure, the experienced consultant and teacher will be on hand to guide the trainee at each step, and to take over the procedure if there is a likelihood of a problem. This course is offered to the Surgeons having good experience in ECCE, SICS and Capsulorhexis etc.

Long Term Intensive Phaco Course: Duration 1 month. This will be similar to the short term course, except that the number of cases that the trainee will get to observe and perform will be minimum 60 - 80, of which 20 will be unsupervised (in case the senior consultant is satisfied with trainee’s performance).

Advanced Phaco Course: Duration 3 months (30 ECCE Wet lab + 30 SICS + 100 Phaco). The Advanced Course allows the trainee to observe and perform about 30 procedures, under the supervision and guidance of the clinic surgeons over a period of 10 - 15 days. The trainee will learn all steps, i.e. incision architecture, capsulorhexis, hydisssection and hydro dileaneation, nucleus sculpting and division, various phaco techniques, cortical cleanup, as well as lens implantation. While the trainee will observe and perform the procedure, the experienced consultant and teacher will be on hand to guide the trainee at each step, and to take over the procedure if there is a likelihood of a problem. At the end of this course, it is expected that the trainee will master the technique of phacoemulsification, and will be in a position to perform the procedure independently with confidence. Each procedure will be taped, and the tape reviewed along with the experienced surgeon. If there is a perceived need, didactic lectures will also be taken every evening, if required.

Fellowship in Phacoemulsification - Cataract Surgery : Duration: 6 – 12 months. Activities : Outdoor patient examination, · Phacoemulsification training, · Wet lab training, · Live surgery demonstration, ·Video assisted teaching, · Step-wise surgical training procedures, · O.T. assistance in difficult phacoemulsification cases, · Group discussion & seminars, · Certificate of completion.

LASIK Refractive Surgery

LASIK has become one of the fastest growing and most popular medical procedures. More than 4 million people worldwide have undergone Lasik, and it is not difficult to visualize a world free from spectacles and contact lenses.

Our Associate Faculty is a leading Laser Expert / Ophthalmologist with more than 15 years experience. She has received specialised training in Femtosecond Blade Free Lasik (ReLEx - FLEx, and SMILE).. She conducts Intensive Lasik Training Workshops regularly. She has treated over 50,000 - 60,000 Eyes for Lasik and pioneered several laser vision correction procedures in India, including LASIK, Topolink LASIK, Wave front Guided LASIK and LASEK. If you wish to attend a Personalised / Individual Training Program, it can be arranged, as per your convenience with mutual consent & prior appointment, subject to availability of vacant slot. We need a lead time of minimum 20 - 30 days to organise.

Intensive Lasik Workshop: Duration 5 – 6 days. The following topics are covered during the training :-

Overview of Laser Refractive Surgery,
Surgical Technique of LASIK,
Lasik Complications & Management.

1st Day - Introduction of Pre-operative Examinations & use of various Equipments / Theory.
2nd Day - Wet-lab Session for flap making, Observations of a few live lasik surgeries
3rd & 4th Day - Live Surgeries - ( 8 -10 Procedures ).

Femtosecond Blade Free Lasik Training Course: Duration 4 – 6 days. ( 10 Procedures : 6 FBFL + 4 SMILE ) at our Associate Clinic, subject to availability of vacant slot at any given time, on 1st come on 1st served basis. Our Associate Center is privileged to be one of the few centers around the world, which also does an all-in-one femtosecond laser refractive surgery. This goes by the name of ReLEx. Within ReLEx, there are two procedures, FLEx, and SMILE. Our Faculty was the third doctor in the world to perform FLEx/SMILE, and has done the maximum number of cases in the world. She has presented her results of all in one femtosecond laser refractive surgery at several meetings all over the world.

Vitreo - Retinal Surgery: Retinal diseases are likely to become a major cause of blindness in the developing world. The number of Diabetic Retinopathy patients is on the rise with increase in the diabetic population, and at the same time facing a severe resource scarcity. Ophthalmic education should prepare professionals not only for the challenges they will face today, but also for future developments.

Among 12,000 ophthalmologists in India, only 7-8% of them are trained in the management of Vitreo-Retinal diseases. According to the Vitreo Retinal Society Membership Directory, only 390 Retinal Specialists are registered, among whom only around 150 are practicing VR surgeons. This means that we need more trained VR surgeons to treat the patients with Vitreo-Retinal diseases and also to train future generations of ophthalmologists. With this background, we organise and offer Short / Long Term Observership, Training in Vitrectomy.

Aims: 1. To enable the candidate to be competent in all vitreo-retinal procedures. 2. To teach the candidate about retina and treatment with laser techniques.

Requirements for Fellowship: The candidate must be a fully qualified ophthalmologist (MS/ MD/ DNB) and should have done at least 500 cataracts, be competent at phacoemulsification and be familiar with the indirect ophthalmoscope & bio microscopy for examining the retina.

We offer the following courses:-

Short-term Advanced Vitreo-Retinal Training: Duration 3 months.
The workshop is offered to eye surgeons, already having some experience in Retinal surgery. The training will be provided with a graded approach, usually about 6 - 8 cases in a month. it will also depend on the person's existing experience & skills.

Short-term Medical Retina Training: Duration 1 - 3 months.
The workshop is offered to General Ophthalmologists or fresh ophthalmology graduates interested in learning Vitreo-Retinal examination, investigations & diagnosis. Training will be provided in Indirect Ophthalmoscopy, Slit-Lamp Biomicroscopy, Fundus Fluorescein Angiography, Ocular Ultrasonography, Optical Coherence Tomography, Retinal Laser Photocogulation and Intravitreal injections.

Vitreo Retinal Fellowship: Duration 12 – 18 months.
The Fellowhip is for fresh Ophthalmology graduates or motivated general ophthalmologists for a period of minimum one year. Candidates will get to learn all aspects of Medical as well as Surgical Retina in a graded fashion.

Glaucoma Surgery Workshop: Duration 2 weeks.
The surgical management of glaucoma is offered to patients if drug therapies have not been satisfactory or are inappropriate. There are two types of surgical treatment: those using a laser and those using surgical techniques. We conduct a One Week Workshop with training in Glaucoma Surgery / Filtering Surgery. This will cover Surgical ( Trabeculectomy with Releasable Suture ), Investigation ( Applanation Tonometry, Gonioscopy, Automated Perimetr ) and YAG Laser Peripheral Iridectomy.

Laser DCR Workshop: Duration 2 weeks.
Watering eyes caused by blockage of the lacrimal duct is a relatively common condition, particularly amongst the elderly. The traditional method of treatment is an external, surgical removal of the stenosis. This is a lengthy, difficult procedure allied with considerable side effects for the patient. We run a 2 weeks Course with training on a revolutionary new way of performing DCR with Laser. Unique advantages of the Laser DCR procedure include a lower recurrance rate, an extremely short procedure with zero patient down time and no bleeding.

Oculoplasty Workshop/ Fellowship: Duration : 3 – 12 months. Orbital disorders as a group of varied pathologies not only of the eye but also include uptamic diseases and those of simmum, nose and ultra cranial diseases. A similar variety of surgical techniques are needed to handle these oculoplatic disorders too need varied techniques for therapy. This variety of diseases & their management can only be achieved by fellow in short span at our center due to our increase influence of patients.

This will be a focus on development and up gradation of skills for Clinical evaluation, i.e. Radiological evaluation & Surgical Management. The Objective of Fellowship is to provide knowledge & enhance clinical skills (in diagnosing cases) and to develop & enhance surgical skills.

By the end of the course the trainee will be able to
• Manage an Oculoplasty & orbit set up.
• Collaborate with an oncology set up for
• Ocular malignancies management.
• Promote patient centered care with
• Continuous quality improvement.
• Apply scientific management practices (EBM)